Got work finished early Tuesday, the weather was warm, so I grabbed the mutts and headed down to the cabin so they could run free, and I could do a little catch-up work.
After the heavy rain over the weekend, I decided to make some walkways in the damned clay that sticks to your shoes like glue. I made some rock steps up toward the outhouse, and put down some nice ones to and around the rain barrel. Andy has been putting up the window trims on the inside. He's using weather worn oak taken from an old chicken coop. Mama sent down the old wooden Levilor blinds for him to put up. They ain't needed, and some are actually about 2 inches too narrow for the windows....but, I'll have him hang them anyway.....cause "that's whut Mamma WANTS"!
Reminds me of two little signs I saw last week at the consignment shop. First one was the one seen in most kitchens " If Mamma ain't happy...then ain't nobody happy". The second one said ..." If Pappy ain't happy....Nobody gives a crap"
I just got a new cellphone yesterday, and have actually taken the time to try figuring out how to use the darn thing. It's a little more advanced that my old one. It's still a flip-phone , not a smart phone....didn't want to go that high tech.
Marisa and her friends were driving back tonight from Marde Gra in New Orleans.... so, I tried sending her a video message on the phone. It surprised the hell out of her and friends that I actually figured it out!
Last week, Marisa decided that "the mutts" needed to show their pride of being big UK Basketball fans....that's the reason for the attached pics.
You guys (UK) whupped our rears in that game. ConCATsulations! :-)