New Kid (yeah right!!!!) on the Blog

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Bummer...of sorts
This time it was from my External Hard-drive... which just a couple of months ago that I purged all of my pictures, videos, and documents from my computer onto.
However, I was fortunate that I had "backed up" my pictures and most of my music onto disks a couple of years ago. So, I was able to save most of my stuff.
I am now in the process of downloading this data onto my daughter's Ext-Hard-drive that she will no longer be using since she got a new 750 G one for Christmas. Momma, has ordered a new 750G one for me. I will now utilize two of them for back up!
This was a strange, but pleasant, Christmas for us. we did not have to drive to Cincinnati because my mother-in-law is still pissed and not talking to us, and my sister has gone off to Orlando, Fla for about a month... so we couldn't visit with them (which is always a very good time).
Well, it's "reality check time".... time to get to bed so to start a new work week.
Hope y'all had a nice Christmas with friends and family!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Jenny has been "AWOL" from our posting family for many months. It was pure delight to see where she posted on my comments section.
So..... JENNY D....... if you read this...... "WELCOME BACK"....." YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY, BABY!"
Friday, December 16, 2011
The Drama Continues
Kim got a call from one of her other relatives in Cincinnati and was advised that "THE DINNER at her Mom's was not canceled, and that a lot of the family attended.... and of course, got the Mother-in-laws side of the story as how poor Lisa was slighted, and that Kim was behind it all!
Rather than get into a pissing contest with her Mom, Kim just let it slide.
On Dec 7 and Dec 15th, both her parents had birthdays. As usual, Kim mailed them both Gift Cards for Olive Gardens.
Then, yesterday, we received an envelope from her Mom in the mail.
The envelope contained both birthday cards torn in half, restuffed in their envelopes along with the gift cards.
That really hurt her Mom had intended. BUT.... more than that.... it really pissed her off!
So, any thoughts of Kim backing down from this latest "slight" is completely off the table.
The old woman is cutting off her nose to spite her face.... and my father-in-law ...and Kim's sister will be affected by it.
Each year, we went to Cincinnati for Christmas.... but looks like we won't be going up North this year!. We have been invited (and have accepted) Christmas Dinner at the home of the parents of our Son-in-law only about two miles from here.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
3 Cincy Tricks
On Saturday, I was a guest of Chris and Mick Lottman of Cincinnati. Along with them were their friends Katy and Rob. This ragtag band calls themselves the "Horace Man'ure Fan Club"!
Many years ago, we met at a Magic Convention down at Cumberland Falls, Kentucky, where I did some " table hopping magic at the restaurant".
When they heard that I was planning on coming to Cincy to see the model railroad display at the Union Terminal Museum, they decided to come along. It was great, and we got to see a beautiful Movie at the Omni about the Canadian Railroad through the Canadian Rockies.
Afterwards, we ventured to the Lottman's beautiful home overlooking the Mill Creek Valley.
They invited over several friends for a party, and after twisting my arm a little ....and a free beer... I agreed to do a few magic tricks. Being somewhat a ham, the "little magic show" ended up being about 1 1/2 hours long. But, it didn't seem to bother the crowd because they were laughing and having a good time was I.
Honestly, I haven't had that much fun in years!
So, I thought I might share a few minutes of my "show" with you folks. Hope y'all enjoy it.
Friday, November 25, 2011
However, on the "In-Laws Side" it seems that they consider themselves as "Close Knit", and most living close together in Cincinnati, they are constantly together. Also, along with this comes way too much "DRAMA". It seems like each week or two brings someone in the family getting their feelings hurt, or fighting among themselves.
The wife got away from this crap 27 years ago by moving 100 miles away. However, she does get unwanted info on the latest gossip.
My Mother-in-law is basically a good person, but, is very outspoken, and demands that things go her way. (Note: She doesn't try this crap with me, because 27 years ago, I Advised her that I would not put up with her crap, and did not have to travel over the big Ohio Ocean to be miserable!)
The latest "DRAMA" concerns our daughter's wedding in May.
Background: Kim (wife) has a younger sister (46 yrs old) who has some learning difficulties and has the mental abilities of someone about 13 or 14 years old. She also has a lot of her Mom's traits of sticking her nose into other peoples business and being somewhat bossy at times. Most of the time however, she is just a sweet loveable kid!
When Marisa called Cincinnati to inform the Grandparents of her getting engaged, her Grandmother blurted out that her Aunt Lisa WAS GOING TO BE ONE OF THE BRIDESMAIDS! This was not in her plans....she was thinking more of having her take care of the guest book or do a reading. G'ma pretty much nixed this idea right then and there!
Marisa decided who her bridesmaids will be (college friends her age). However, this does not meet the approval of G'ma!
G'ma is now in a snit.... she canceled the Annual Thanksgiving get-together VIA E-MAIL!
We don't know now what our Annual Christmas get- together will be, as ours and Marisa's work schedules are pretty hectic.
I do know this....I had never seen Marisa mad at her Grandmother before, and she stated that she is not backing down on her "BIG DAY" to appease the whims of somebody else.
So, I'm being a dutiful smart husband and father and keeping out of it!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
On a RANT.....of sorts
I just don't fit into these new enlightened times of political correctness.
A few examples of my out-dated views and values are as follow:
a. Disingenuous? Bullshit! It's still a lie! Why color it up to hide the truth?
b. Tea Party. I support it because it calls for supporting the Constitution as it was written, and for less government intervention into our lives. The Liberal press tries to label it as a bunch of racist nuts running around. Also, it does NOT get bogged down with social issues! That is a totally different thing!
c. My heroes were Roy Rogers, John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, and Paul Harvey.
d. Boycott Wall Street: OK.... I don't like the thieving S.O.B's that created and profited off the shenanigans of the Banks. BUT..... Why not BOYCOTT THE U.S. Attorney General for not investigating and prosecuting the Wall Streeters, Bankers, and Congressmen that allowed it to take place?
Also, with all of the support that these folks are getting from "Move On .Org, Unions, and the main stream media....I see it as just a smoke screen to take the heat off what a dismal failure that the current administration has wrought. And, I see it as a warm-up practice session for the bad protests that will be put upon the Republican Convention next year.
e. Sexual Orientation. I don't give a rat's ass whether someone is Gay or not! In my old country way of thinking, I just think that some people are born that way. I don't go out of my way to persecute or condemn them for who they are. But, then again, I don't enjoy watching the public display of attention, or hearing all of the pro and con bantering about it in the News. As for the Gay Marriage thing.... I just don't care for the idea. But, then again, I don't like turnips, but, I know there are nuts out there that do like them, so I ain't about to try to get them banned from the grocery stores!
f. Entitlements: What we are seeing is the result of the "Dr Spock Era" of trying to make everyone feel good about themselves. When I see these "boycott notebook shots" crying about how some "over educated idiot" that majored in Classical Education or Social Studies can not find a job...I want to puke! Maybe if they had researched a little, they would have seen that there is NO DEMAND for high paying labor in those fields! These same folks are too proud to work for McDonalds or Wal-Mart because of the low wages, but, constantly shop at both places because of low prices !
g. Immigration Policies: ( or should that be lack of enforcement) We have way too many legals on the Government Welfare Tit, we sure don't need the burdon of the Illegal Aliens ,too!
Yep, we do need the immigrants to do the work that Americans don't want to do anymore.
Here's my "old fuddy-duddy way" of solving this issue:
1. Build the fences....Guard the Borders....... keep out all new ILLEGAL Aliens...and drug shipments.
2. Enforce a law that makes ALL non U.S Citizens (within 6 months of it's passage) go to the nearest U.S. Post Office and register for a Federal I.D. These should have picture , fingerprint, and DNA sample. After this 6 month period, anyone caught without proper ID or is convicted for any felony...gets incarcerated automatically...then deported!
3. All Non U.S. Citizens have the opportunity to apply for citizenship....but, they need to earn it by learning our language (ENGLISH), and have knowledge and respect for our Laws and Rights!
Where I'm coming from:
I do not have a college diploma, ( I screwed up and partied too damn much!), and I do not have a glorious job. What I have is a good work ethic. Along with my wife, we have for the past 15 years run our own "cleaning business". We are not "Too good" to scrub other peoples or public toilets, or clean other folks homes and businesses. What we have done is build up a pretty good business through word of advertising, and are able to make some good money. However, we have not had the opportunity for a "vacation" due to our work schedule in all of these years.
So, when I see these "boycotters" and their pathetic signs, or see these illegal Aliens lining up for free welfare, food stamps, free housing, free education, and social security benefits.....IT flat PISSES ME OFF !
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Romance in the air?

Back on Sept 6, Justin (the Varmit's boyfriend of two years) asked for permission to marry Marisa. I replied that Momma and I would be very happy for them both.
This was pretty much a "hush-hush deal", because he wanted to surprise her when he "popped the question". It was about two days later when I told Momma about it. She was about to scalp me for not telling her sooner!
Within minutes of her finding out, she was on the phone with Justin.... offering her assistance on anything he needed. As it was, he needed help with "the ring". A couple days later, they got together at the local jewelry store and proceeded to "order THE RING"...which was custom made in New York.
To"set up the proposal"...he started several weeks in advance by giving Marisa a certain color rose, then a couple of days later, giving her some little trinket in the same color. (Momma could recite each week, rose color, and trinket ) The one that stands out in my mind is the Orange Rose Week...he gave her candy corn as the trinket.
Then, the big night came on Oct 12...... Under the pretext of us giving Justin a Birthday Dinner at Ruth Crisp Steak House.... they went there and he "popped the question" by having the desert plate spelling it out....along with all the previous weeks rose petals represented, and a white rose with the ring in it.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Times ... They are changeing.

Nope, I ain't getting into a boring soapbox tirade about politics, or general petty peeves.
What I'm referring to is that I noticed a marked change in leaf coloration since last week. As usual, i spent last weekend down at the cabin, and had to start up a fire in the wood burning stove. It got down to 31 degrees and got a thick coat of frost that made the ground look like snowfall. Of course, I left my camera at home that weekend!
Then, last night, I stayed down there again, but needed no fire.
A few weeks ago, I came upon a strange looking "tomato plant"...with no fruit....growning out in a hayfield all by itself. (See the picture attached) . I mentioned it to one of the "deer hunters" that hang out down at the hunting lodge, and strangely, the next week was gone.
In memory of my old single days, I thought I'd try out a bottle of Rebel Yell prefered brand way back then. ( Way back when I was in college, it was the favorite Bourbon of the "hip crowd"...they advertised that it was "Made in the South for Southerners"...and refused to sell it above the Mason-Dixon Line)
Blanton's Bourbon is now my choice (at about $ 50 per fifth). I was somewhat shocked to find the Rebel Yell priced at only $11 per fifth. So, with some trepidation, I fixed me a shot....and was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the Rebel Yell just as much as the Blantons! Not that it matters much on the price difference, because, I very seldom drink much anymore. I've had my last bottle of Blanton (still about 3/4 full) for about 3 years now. So, I guess I'm stocked up pretty good with booze for the next 10 or 12 years!
What I mostly do down at the cabin is just loaf, rest, read my Kindle, watch Netflix DVDs, cook a little, and drink lots of coffee! But, here lately I've hung a few pictures, and my "Red Neck Windchimes" sent to me from my cousin up in Greater Barrington, Massachusetts.
I finally broke out the generator this weekend to check to see how noisy it would be to run, so I can power up a TV to play an X-Box game or two. But, since it hasn't been run in about 2 years, it wouldn't start. So, I took it down to the tenant's house and Andy will tune it up for me. Depends on how noisy it is as to whether I'll use it or not.
After all....peace and quiet is one of my main reasons for being there.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Just a matter of semantics
Its all a matter of semantics.
California..... ..................................... Kentucky
Arsenal of Weapons ...................Gun Collection
Delicate Wetlands...................... Swamp
Undocumented Worker............ Illegal Alien
Cruelty-Free Materials............ Synthetic Fiber
Assault and Battery................... Attitude Adjustment
Heavily Armed............................. Well-protected
Narrow-minded ..........................Righteous
Taxes or Your Fair Share ............ Coerced Theft
Commonsense Gun Control .......... Gun Confiscation Plot
Illegal Hazardous Explosives............ Fireworks or Stump Removal
Non-viable Tissue Mass................ Unborn Baby
Equal Access to Opportunity............ Socialism
Multicultural Community.................. High Crime Area
Fairness or Social Progress.................. Marxism
Upper Class or "The Rich ".................... Self-Employed
Progressive, Change ............................Big Government Scheme
Homeless or Disadvantaged...................... Bums or Welfare Leeches
Sniper Rifle ..............................................Scoped Deer Rifle
Investment For the Future................... Higher Taxes
Healthcare Reform................................... Socialized Medicine
Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater.................. Conservative
Truants ...................................................... Homeschoolers
Victim or Oppressed.................................. Criminal or Lazy Good-For-Nothing
High Capacity Magazine............................... Standard Capacity Magazine
Religious Zealot.............................................. Church-going
Reintroduced Wolves..................................... Sheep and Elk Killers
Fair Trade Coffee ..........................................Overpriced Yuppie Coffee
Exploiters or "The Rich "................................. Employed or Land Owner
The Gun Lobby ..............................................NRA Members
Assault Weapon......................................... Semi-Auto (Grandpa's M1 Carbine)
Fiscal Stimulus............................................ New Taxes and Higher Taxes
Same Sex Marriage................................... Legalized Perversion
Accepted Facts................................................. Horse Shit
Monday, August 1, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Husband of the Month Award
Due to our very busy work schedule (and her dislike for driving any distances), our "vacations" are pretty much a thing of the past.
So, I came up with an idea of an "Ideal Vacation" for her. Where she could escape from the chains of her computer to enjoy herself "out in the world".
So, I went over to Lexington this afternoon and visited Fayette Mall (Which I swore many years ago to never step into again) and made the selected toy purchase.
Then, this evening while at dinner at our favorite Chinese Restaurant, I handed her a bag that I advised contained "brochures or ideas" for a vacation for her.
In the bag was a new Ipad 2.
She was shocked and brought to tears.
It was decided at that time that I should bequeathed the title of "Husband of the Month".
However, it should be noted that there is only one more day in July!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Catching up time here

Well, I've been pretty busy with work a couple of weekends, and kind of got behind on "my blogging"
Going through some of the threads I follow, I was sorry to see that there have been some health issues reported by many of the fine folks I follow on here. Hopefully, they will be able to come through the suffering very soon.
The weather here is miserable. Temps in the high 90's, high humidity, and heat index around 110.
Did escape to the cabin a couple of times for an "overnighter". Left the mutts home so I could just unwind. I was able (over two weekends) to set out some daylilys and a couple of burning bushes at the cabin, along with groundcover and mulch. Of course this work was spaced between naps and reading of my Kindle.
During this miserable weather, I'm letting the mutts stay in the cool 62 degree bombshelter down here in my dungeon (man-cave)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Owen County- Memorial Day Weekend
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Owen County Magicians Convention # 14
It now has gotten to the point that Musicians outnumber Magicians about 4:1. But, that's just fine, because they have a tendency to entertain themselves and everyone else.
I haven't really done any magic to speak about for about 6 months, but, I'll make an effort to put on a small show this year. Hopefully, I can get it videotaped and run a sample of it on here next week.
Trying to get crap packed...hell, I even have a checklist!
Weather forcast is possible rain showers and Temps up in mid 90's.
First job to do upon arriving after unlocking the joint is to start the campfire! Hell, I've seen some of the idiots ...err attendees... stand around the campfire drinking their beer in a cold rain! Not me....I guess I'm a candy ass....I hate cold!
I usually just totally "mellow out" by sitting in my rocking chair on the porch and "take in all of the bullshit". Not that I'd be hesitant to add to it!
I have two cases of beer left over from an event from a couple weeks ago. I'll put it out for the group. It should last a whole hour! Guess I'm just getting old.... (will turn 63 on Saturday).... but, my style of drinking is Pepsi or coffee.
Most of the guys bring tents, but, the Lodge will sleep 8, and the cabin down the road will sleep about 5 more if needed.
Enough of this for now....gotta get back to packing...and adding stuff to list.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
5 PEARLS OF WISDOM.1. Money cannot buy happiness but...somehow, its more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than it is on a bicycle.
2. Forgive your enemy, but remember the bastard's name.
3. Help a man when he is in trouble & he will remember you when he is in trouble again.
4. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them.
5. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then neither does milk.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Writer's Workshop
So, I had to do a little research by studying how others communicate in print, and come up with a rulebook of sorts, which follows:
How to write goodly!!
1. Verbs HAS to agree with their subjects.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.
4. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
5. Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat).
6. Also, always avoid annoying alliteration.
7. Be more or less specific.
8. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are (usually) unnecessary.
9. Also too, never, ever use repetitive redundancies.
10. No sentence fragments.
11. Contractions aren't necessary and shouldn't be used.
12. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
13. Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.
14. One should NEVER generalize.
15. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
16. Don't use no double negatives.
17. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
18. One-word sentences? Eliminate.
19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
20. The passive voice is to be ignored.
21. Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words however should be enclosed in commas.
22. Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.
23. Kill all exclamation points!!!
24. Use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.
25. Understatement is always the absolute best way to put forth earthshaking ideas.
26. Use the apostrophe in it's proper place and omit it when its not needed.
27. Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
28. If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: Resist hyperbole; not one writer in a million can use it correctly.
29. Puns are for children, not groan readers.
30. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
31. Even IF a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
32. Who needs rhetorical questions?
33. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
34. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
But, most importantly, never take credit for someone else's creative work! So, I won't!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
9/10/00 Kentucky Backroads (First One)

Here is the first of my Ky Backroads stories from way back in 2000.
9/10/00 Backroads of Ky by Cavey (Stupid) Davey
Greetings to all of my faithful readers, I thought that I would send out a "form type letter" that one usually only gets at Christmas time in with your X-mas cards. To update those that I have not written in awhile, the following events have taken place with me over the last month or so:
A About a month ago, I was at O'Charley's in the bar portion doing some "walk around magic" for the patrons. (I get free beer and food and have real people to practice my magic on.) A couple evidently liked my work and hired me to do some "magic" at a party they were giving for the Doctors of Frankfort. As it turned out, Kim (wife) worked the same party with one of her caterer friends. She slaved for 7 hours, and I walked around drinking, eating, bullshitting, and performed close up magic for about 3 hours. I still made more money on the gig than she did.
B Business is still going good. Now having a rertired lady work with us each Thur and Friday night so we can get done at a decent time, and have the weekends free.
C A few months ago, I kind of got back into an old hobby from years ago: Photography. I was coresponding on the net with a lady from Florida that was searching for waterfalls in Ky. So, I went out and hunted down a couple and shot pictures of them for her. I enjoyed it so much, that I got " The Varmit" (Marisa) envolved in it. She took to it like a duck to water, and is constantly bugging me to "Go waterfall hunting".
D A few weeks ago, I organized a "Get Together" with some old friends, and we went down to Torrent Falls in Wolfe County and rented a cabin for the weekend. We got to sit around a campfire and swap lies, tell ghost stories, drink booze, sing along, and even got to sample some "local moonshine" (that was surprizingly pretty good). After everyone else left on Sunday at noon, I went up to Morgan County and visited with an old friend that I hadn't seen in about 20 years. He was not familiar with magic and could not catch me at my sleights, so he was certain that I was somehow in league with the devil. He said several times that he'd pray for me.
On Saturday of that weekend, we went out to photograph and try to find some new waterfalls. While enroute, I went up a highway in Lee County that I had never been on before. As we were driving along, I spotted some very large and beautiful flowers in someones yard. We all were curious as to what they were, so I pulled up in the driveway (much to the dismay and panic of my fellow travelers) I think that they watched the movie "Deliverence" too many times. I then proceeded to announce my presence by yelling the old country method, before stepping up to the porch, " HAllo in the House". A couple came out and I introduced myself and queried the lady about the beautiful flowers. She proceeded to go out and make some "cuttings" for us to take home to start our own plants. While she was doing that, I stayed on the porch and shot the bull with the man, and found out that his uncle was a second cousin of mine from up in Owen County. So, out in the middle of nowhere, I meet a long lost cousin! The "Get Together was a real blast! If anyone else wants to try this some weekend, please contact me and we'll work it out!
E. My old buddy from college named Darryl Tedder was supposed to come down for the long "Labor Day Weekend". I had planned on Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night to spend time down at the farm and staying at the "hunting lodge", then Sunday to go spelunking down at a big cave in Rockcastle County that we used to frequent while at EKU, then Monday to go canoeing down beautiful Elkhorn Creek. Alas, he was unable to come down due to his wife having some pretty serious surgery the week before.
However, Marisa decided we needed to go on alone, which we did. We spent Sat night at the "lodge", then proceeded on Sunday to go caveing. It was her first "wid cave" and she loved it! It was the first wild cave that I had been to in almost 18 years, and I had forgotten just how grueling that this damned cave was. We had a blast, and even got some pictures from the event. We were in the cave for 4 1/2 hours and didn't even see 1/10th of it. I was sore as hell for three days!
F Marisa took the pictures of the caving trip to school along with a description of how much fun she had. So, on Saturday, we took off again to go caving: Me, Marisa, and 4 other 13 year olds (2 boys and 3 girls) We proceeded to go back to Sinks Cave (1 1/2 hour drive from Frankfort). Some of the photos that I tried the week before didn't turn out, so I was determined to try again...only from a higher vantage point. While in the "Big Room" they were appox 100 yards across the room, and I was perched about 60 feet up on some rocks near the ceiling trying to photograph them. Then "ole Cavey Davey" did one of his typical dumbass moves. He stepped back to lean against the wall while awaiting the time lapse photo to do it's thing. He stepped back into thin air, bounced off the wall and plunged head first down into a small crevace. His short fall was interupted by a nice limestone boulder and side wall only about 4 feet from where he was standing. However, there he was, upside down, wedged, light knocked off, and slightly dazed and feeling a little pain.
I first checked that I had not broken any bones, then checked to see if my cigarettes and lighter had stayed in my shirt pocket (they had). Then I groped around and was able to get the light back on, then started squirming around to get my head up and ass down, so I could climb back up on the rock. Brandon, one of the boys came back to help me out, but I was back up before he could get back to me. I then shot a couple more pictures and muttered to myself, " If these damned pictures don't turn out, I'm gonna be one pissed off hombre!" Due to the soreness in my lower back and neck, I sent the kids up in a couple of "safe side passages" to explore, while I layed down and "rested". That wasn't real smart because the floor was cold and damp which didn't help with the stiffening of my muscles. I called the kids back after about 1/2 hour and told them we needed to go back the way we came in. Marisa wasn't too happy with that, because she wanted her friends to have to go through the torturous climbing and crawling route out the back entrance that she had to go through the week before. However, I knew that I'd never make it out that way. So, with the two boys on either side of me, I managed to limp my way out and back to the car. I am ok with the help of a bunch of tylenol. My lower back is still a little sore and the neck is sort of stiff, but I'll be ok. Marisa wants to go back again next week...I told her that I need awhile to get over this trip.
G I thought that I might add to the end of this that not one of those damned pictures that almost got me killed turned out!
Friday, April 15, 2011
28th Anniversary...April16

Yep.... been married just once... 28 years on the 16th.
Been racking my brain for a "special idea" for her.
Thought I'd take her on a big trip over to Shelby County (whole 15 miles away) for the day.
Start off with breakfast at my sister's house, then run down to Shelbyville to check out the New Kroger Market ( their idea of a Super Wal-Mart), then maybe go over to the Simpsonville Flea Market to check out the bargains, then end up over at the new Denny's at the Waddy Truckstop for a late lunch. Then, if she was up to it....maybe I'd take her to Sportsman's World in Lexington (In case she wanted to do any real shopping).
Was going to buy her a brand new vaccum cleaner, but, she already went yesterday and got one herself!
Well, I know she appreciated my thoughtfulness, but, she decided she'd just as soon stay home and sleep in late.
Darn....women sure can be hard to figure out sometimes!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Cavehouse

A few years ago, I wrote a "journal" (before blogging came about) to leave a record of some of my life. I would then e-mail these out to my friends telling them about my "travels along the Kentucky Backroads" Here is a sample of one from 2002.
1/12/02 Backroads of Kentucky
Greetings from the "mostely thawed state of Kentucky",
Yep, we've had some pretty chilly weather these past couple of weeks, even got some of that white stuff on the ground! However, it got up over 40 degrees F today so it was looking like too nice of a day to stay burrowed up like an old groundhog.
Kim and Marisa pulled out at 6:30 a.m. this ( Saturday) morning to go to Lexington so Marisa could participate in a " Dance Team Exhibition" at school. Then Sat night she planned on going out to dinner then to a " Sadie Hawkins Dance " with her boyfriend. Of course Mom volunteered to do all of the driving today.... provided that I pick her up Sunday after she spends the night at her friend's house. Kim likes to try to stay in her nice warm bed on Sundays for as long as she can.
So, when I finally aroused from blissful peaceful slumber around 9:00 a.m., I had to do some serious thinking as to how to best schedule my day, so to be most productive. The # 1 chore that had to be done today was a good cleaning and staightening up of the basement. So, after finally shaking the cobwebs out of my foggy brain with the assistance of 2 cups of coffee, and a nice hot shower, I was ready to tackle the chores at hand. I said " to hell with the basement", grabbed my new digital camera, and hit the road towards the the hills of Eastern Kentucky.
Ah, what a delight it was to get out " on the road again" on a beautiful sunny day with a balmy 40 degree temperature! I cruised down I-64 grooving to the music of CD's by Waylon Jennings and the Beach Boys, and in just a little over an hour, I was pulling into the Minit Mart in the quaint little village of Pine Ridge in Wolfe County. There, I was able to partake in a royal feast mostly only enjoyed by bachelors. That exquisit meal consisted of " pizza and a pepsi"!
Then so not to waste any of the wonderful day, I hastened on to the "quaint little metropolis" of High Falls ( also in Wolfe County) There, I stopped in to meet with one of the " pillars of the community", who serves as the Mayor, Ombudsman, and dog warden. That stirling individual being none other than Glenn Duff.
Mr Duff's wonderful wife ( Marie) shooed us out of the house so she could get back to her chores at hand. ( She was down scrubbing stains out of the carpet) and we were very happy to "get out of her way"!
We first headed up to two waterfalls near the intersection of Hwy 15 and Quillens Chapel Road. These are known as " High Falls ", hence the name of the community... though they really are located more out in the suburbs than actually in town! I was able to only get good photos of only one ( see attachment) of the falls. The second one was pretty much blocked by trees and it would have been very difficult to get a good angle for a shot at it.
Next, we traveled up the road only about 1/2 mile before turning off to go down to Mayor Duff's cousins house, where we parked the car. We then headed on foot down an old road approx 1/4 mile the nthrough the woods until we came to Gold Mine Falls.
This waterfall was actually two waterfalls which spilled over the same cliff only approx 10 feet apart. Each waterfall is supplied with water from two seperate creeks which almost come together just above the falls. The waterfalls drop approx 80 feet into a beautiful nearly unaccessable valley. Directly below the waterfall under the large ledge can still be seen the remains of an old Gold Mine Shaft which was worked back in the 1920's. In the attached picture, look below the big icicle and you can see part of the shaft.
Then after our little hike in the woods, we returned to the Dog Warden's house, where Marie fed us some great potato soup and homemade skillet cornbread. She ate her soup in a way that I had never seen before. She crumblrd her cornbread into the soup. I tried it too, and , I'll be damned if it wasn't pretty good that way. Of course, Glenn , being a sissy, had to eat his the " Yankee Way" of crumbling crackers into his soup!
After retiring to the living room for a short spell to let our meal settle, we hit the backroads once more to head down to the Southeastern part of Wolfe County to an area called Bethany. It was here that Glenn took me to a house that was constructed back into a cave. The owner had actually sealed off the entrance to a " cave" or " rock shelter " and built rooms under ground. We were unable to catch the owner at home today, but hope to return in a few weeks to try again. From what Glenn told me about the fellow, he is a very resourceful and mechanically inclined iindividual, who comes up with some " different ideas", and works with them!
See the picture of the Cave House Attached. The picture is not a good one, because it was getting dark, and I was shooting through the windshield because I didn't relish the idea of getting my ass chewed off by the " cute little puppies" in the picture.
As dark finally caught up with us, it was time for me to return the " Mayor to his home " and bid a fond farewell and many thanks to my most gracious hosts.
Then, it was just a matter of " cranking of the stereo " and " grooved" my way home to the tunes of the Beach Boys.
I later returned to the "Cave House and became friends with the owners...and even got to spend a night there!
I'll attach the Cave House Pics which will show the outside, the back wall of the living room, and one of the bedrooms.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Old Sea Story
Old Sea Story Parable |
There's an old sea story about a ship's Captain who inspected his sailors, and afterward told the first mate that his men smelled bad.
The Captain suggested perhaps
it would help if the sailors would change underwear occasionally.
The first mate responded,
"Aye, aye sir, I'll see to it immediately!"
The first mate went straight
to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you
guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear."
He continued, " Leo you change with
Jerry. Tony you change with Bert and Bob you
change with Ed."
Someone may come along and
promise "Change", but don't count on things smelling
any better.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Gold Mine Falls
Here is a story that I did back in 2002 which was published in the Kentucky Explorer Magazine.
At that time, I

You will have to "click on " the attached photos, then magnify on your screen in order to read it.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
N.C.A.A. Defintion:
Here I sit at my keyboard...drunk as a skuunk...feelimg no pain except for the knees.
Went down to the "local Pub" to watch the games with Marisa and Justin (daughter and boyfriend)...Kim showed up later to act as D. A. (Designated Adult ...and driver).
It has been about 5 years since I sipped on enough booze even to get a buzz. Tonight around 6:00.....I decided to start off with a tall bourbon and coke....followed by 2 more as the night progressed. got it....I got smashed!
Do I feel guilty for setting a poor example for my almost 24 year old daughter?
Hell no....she was laughing her ass off at my stupid comments and actions!
Do I feel embarassed my my drunken behavior? HELL NO! Damn it, I have been an angel of sorts for a long's about time I cut loose for a change.
Momma dropped me off at the house before taking those two "young' ens" off to another bar....only to have to go pick them up later.
As I told Marisa early in the evening, it has been about 5 or 6 years since I "got on a buzz from drinking'. That was up in Eastern Kentucky when one of my buddy's got his date to be the, I felt free to mix up a stiff Bourbon and Coke and guzzle it quickly. Hell, I was blitzed before we got to the local Honkey Tonk. I was telling old Politically Incorrect jokes and funny limerics with wrecking abandum. However, sadly, I switched to beer (which I drink slowly) and drank myself sober before the bar closed.
Got interupted from my previous part of the "blog"by Kim. Am sober now after stern discussion. She has left to "pick up the kids" from the other bar. Glad that they are responcible enough to not drink and drive.
Kim reads my posts on here, and was upset a few weeks ago about something I posted in jest about her "bitching about cleaning the basement".
I guess that it may be best that I discontinue my random thoughts on a personal nature in the fuure on here.
I will continue checking in on other's posts and "adding my two cents worth" as in the past.
To all you folks out there, I wish you the very best.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Is it Spring yet?

Well, you almost wouldn't know it because it is snowing like crazy here in Central Kentucky. I heard on radio that we could get about 3 inches.
Kim (wife.... aka "the WAR DEPT") finally bitched enough...(.after only about 5 years) ...that the basement HAD TO BE CLEANED and ORGANIZED this weekend.
We tackled about 1/4 of it last night and got it in good shape. Tomorrow, she said we have to attack my "Mancave Section".
One problem I have on reorganization is that I have to "sort through boxes" before tossing out anything. HINT: I don't want to throw out anything! THAT takes time. Hell, I can get it all done with no help from her..... say in about another 3 years!
Example, while going through old boxes of pictures....I found the attached photo of me from Spring Break 1968 Daytona Beach. As a joke, I put it as my profile picture on Facebook. My daughter saw it and called Kim to report how "Freaky that was" She said what was freaky was that about the only difference in my appearance is the hair color!
I was somewhat flustered at times last night, because her way and mine don't always jive on how to get things done. Came close to stepping out for a smoke....but, fought off the urge.
Doing fairly well on "Stop Smoking Project". Was able to go all of last two weeks (except weekends at the cabin) without any at all. Backslid some today.....had 3 today. But, the "Smoking Pot" is growing steadily. As of today, it has $240.
Well, guess I'll close this up and get a head start on my "Mancave Cleaning Project".
Hey Jenny... if you stop by..... please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend Lee.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
St Patrick's Day
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I exercise regularly. I eat moderate amounts of healthy food. I make
sure to get plenty of rest. I see my doctor once a year and my
dentist twice a year. I floss every night. I've had chest x–rays, cardio
stress tests, EKG's and colonoscopies. I've seen a psychologist once, and
she thought I was A-OK. I have 2 dogs and a variety of hobbies to reduce
stress. I don't drink and drive. I quit smoking. I don't do drugs. I
try not to disparage others. I don't have crazy, reckless sex with
If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I'm gonna be really pissed.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mid Week Activities

Got work finished early Tuesday, the weather was warm, so I grabbed the mutts and headed down to the cabin so they could run free, and I could do a little catch-up work.
After the heavy rain over the weekend, I decided to make some walkways in the damned clay that sticks to your shoes like glue. I made some rock steps up toward the outhouse, and put down some nice ones to and around the rain barrel. Andy has been putting up the window trims on the inside. He's using weather worn oak taken from an old chicken coop. Mama sent down the old wooden Levilor blinds for him to put up. They ain't needed, and some are actually about 2 inches too narrow for the windows....but, I'll have him hang them anyway.....cause "that's whut Mamma WANTS"!
Reminds me of two little signs I saw last week at the consignment shop. First one was the one seen in most kitchens " If Mamma ain't happy...then ain't nobody happy". The second one said ..." If Pappy ain't happy....Nobody gives a crap"
I just got a new cellphone yesterday, and have actually taken the time to try figuring out how to use the darn thing. It's a little more advanced that my old one. It's still a flip-phone , not a smart phone....didn't want to go that high tech.
Marisa and her friends were driving back tonight from Marde Gra in New Orleans.... so, I tried sending her a video message on the phone. It surprised the hell out of her and friends that I actually figured it out!
Last week, Marisa decided that "the mutts" needed to show their pride of being big UK Basketball fans....that's the reason for the attached pics.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Catch-up thoughts and ponderings
I was able to spend a nice long and relaxing weekend at the cabin...even with the mutts along! It was a little chilly, so I kept a nice fire going the whole time. However, it got warm enough Friday evening that the "peepers" (small frogs) were singing lively tunes down on the ponds. It rained quite a bit, but, it just made it nicer with the rain on the metal roof when it was nap or bed time.
Got some good quality reading time in, along with watching my 3 Netflix DVD's. Could have gone home early, or driven up on a hill to watch the UK vs Tennessee Basketball Game, but, was perfectly content just listening to it on the radio. TEAM won.... "Sorry 'bout that Carol"
Geneal Ponderings:
Liberia and it's problems: I think we need to keep our noses out of it. IF we do get involved, then damn it, lets go in there and take over the frigging oil wells!
LINDSEY LOHAN: Throw her ass in jail for about a year or so, with NO MORE get out early crap!
Martin SHEEN: Ban him from getting anywhere near a camera. He's nuts and thrives on all the attention.
Westboro Baptist Church Members: The next time they protest at a soldiers funeral.....I'd like to horse whip every damn one of those worthless pieces of crap!
Illegal Aliens: I seem to understand that part about "illegal".... why can't our frigging President and his Federal Govt Agencies not grasp that?
Gay Marriage: I'm against it. I'm just an old fuddy duddy that believes its between a man and a women. However, I think that gays should get some of the legal rights that married folks should couples of opposite sex.
Abortion: I have to straddle the fence on this issue! I am in favor of a woman making her own decisions. I personally don't cotton to the idea, but, I don't like to make decisions for other people!
President: I think he SUCKS! He has shown no respect for our allies, creates Cabinet Csars to get around Congress, directs his Att Gen to disregard enforcement of laws that he does not agree with. ETC !
CONGRESS: What the hell good are they? Both sides are only interested in grand standing and getting re-elected so they can get more slop from the Lobbiest and UNIONS! Creating new laws are pretty much a waste of time. They pretty much are unenforceable due to the Liberal Federal Judges that rule just about everything as "Unconstitutional". Except "O Bama Care" which was ruled as Unconstitutional, however, they are going to run it through anyway!
Well....guess I'll get down off the soapbox for now!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Maria had just gotten married, and being a traditional Italian she was still a virgin. On her wedding night, staying at her mother's house, she was very nervous.
Her mother reassured her; 'Don't worry, Maria, Tony's a good man. Go upstairs and he'll take care
of you. Meanwhile, I'll be making pasta.'
So, up she went. When she got upstairs, Tony took off his shirt and exposed his hairy chest. Maria ran downstairs to her mother and says, 'Mama, Mama, Tony's got a big hairy chest.'
'Don't worry, Maria,' says the mother, 'all good men have hairy chests.. Go upstairs. He'll take good care of you.'
So, up she went again.. When she got up in the bedroom, Tony took off his pants exposing his hairy legs. Again, Maria ran downstairs to her mother. 'Mama, Mama, Tony took off his pants and he's got hairy legs!'
'Don't worry! All good men have hairy legs. Tony's a good man Go upstairs and he'll take good care of you.'
So, up she went again. When she got there, Tony took off his socks and on his left foot he was missing three toes. When Maria saw this, she ran downstairs. 'Mama, Mama, Tony's got a foot and a half!'
Her Mama said, 'Stay here and stir the pasta.'
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I had all of my pictures and videos backed up on a separate hard-drive, so, I lost very little.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Depression? Who ME?
I'd say that it is a combination of lack of sunshine and too damned cold to get out and do anything.
I've been this way for about 3 weeks, so I pretty much ruled out the side effects of Chantix ( couple of about 1,000 possible side effects is depression and suicide), or grumpyness from cutting back on cigarettes.
I have been able to go from about 30 cigarettes a day ( as of last weekend) down to 5 today. This Chantix stuff does work great for me, with no side effects. I'm just using them once daily instead of twice.
I was able to quit smoking for the first time ever last year (for about 6 months), but, had something really upset me, and I "lit up" to calm me down. It's like an alcoholic just taking one drink to "take the edge off".
The sad thing was that I was really proud of my accomplishment and was able to actually quit after about a month.
Also, I chipped in $25 per week as my "smoking fine" and ended up with $1300 to use toward the cabin expenses. Effective this week....the fine is $35 per week. This will continue on after I quit, to use as a reward to myself.
I have been credited with many flaws, but one of my worst is being "damned bullheaded" as my Mom used to say. Others just say I'm "pretty stubborn". Well, hopefully this will work in my favor again like it did last year!
I guess I need to "head up into the Mountains" to visit my ole friends, play a little poker, swap lies, and drink a little bit!
Hell....I'm feeling better already just getting this off my chest!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Only in Texas
Texas Beer Joint Sues Church In Mt. Vernon, Texas,
Drummond's Bar began construction on expansion of their building to increase their business.
In response, the local Baptist church started a campaign to block the bar from expanding with petitions and prayers. Work progressed right up until the week before the grand reopening when lightning struck the bar and it burned to the ground.
After the bar burning to the ground by a lightning strike the church folks were rather smug in their outlook, bragging about the power of prayer, until the bar owner sued the church on the grounds that the church "was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, either through direct or indirect actions or means".
In its reply to the court, the church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise.
The judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the defendant's reply and at the opening hearing he commented, "I don't know how I'm going to decide this, but it appears from the paperwork that we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that now does not."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Green Light for Marge

Hey Marge, this one's for you!
The Green Light
Franklin County, Kentucky
Dave Bell
January, 2011
There is an old tale that has been repeated for years in this area concerning a “Green Light” that has a supernatural nature about it.
I first heard about the Green Light when in grade school. It was passed on to a group of us by a very credible source. If my memory serves me correctly, the event in question was eye witnessed by the teller’s first cousin’s step-sister’s great aunt.
The site of this event is off the Old Lawernceburg Rd, approximately two miles from Kentucky’s Capitol Building, up a very narrow rutted farm road..
Now, how the story was told to us:
It was a hot Summer night, and a bunch of teenagers were driving around to different hangouts, when one in the group suggested going out to see the ghost that carried a green light.
Of course, the guys were gung-ho, and the girls were timid about this adventure. But, off they went anyway.
They drove out of Frankfort and came to the farm road that went up at a pretty steep angle the 200 or so feet to the top of the ridge. As they bounced up the road, the girls started squealing at anything that moved, and the guys started getting a little apprehensive, even to the point of rolling up the car windows..
When they got to the top of hill, they found themselves in a clearing with woods on both sides.
They were told to turn off the lights and stay in the car at all times. After waiting about ten minutes, a soft green light came up out of the woods and moved as if someone were carrying a lantern. The light slowly circled the car and put out just enough light that it was evident that whatever carried it was not visible.
As the light passed by the driver’s door, he got brave, rolled down his window and grabbed for the light, which suddenly disappeared. Then suddenly there was a crashing sound, followed by a low moan. The driver’s face was battered and cut up as if he had been hit with the lantern.
The light was next seen easing back into the forest.