New Kid (yeah right!!!!) on the Blog

New Kid (yeah right!!!!) on the Blog

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kentucky Gravehouses

Back in my "Backroads of Kentucky" wandering days photographing waterfalls and unusual things, I came across an abandoned cemetery and found a gravehouse. It tweeked my interest, so, I set about hunting for more. The video below is a result of this search.


  1. Sheesh, I did the comment for this post on the vid side. Oh well, you'll see it there.

    Dave! You did it! You are now following me. I see your pic at the very, very bottom of my site where my "followers" are listed. And I'm on yours as well. I see my pic on the left side of your home page under "Followers".

    Now, here's all you do from there when you want to see if anyone has updated. On your home page, look up at the top left in the dark blue stipe above your pic. See the B in the orange block? If you click that, it will take you to your dashboard (and if you have to sign in, it will take you there immediately). Your dashboard will list all the blogs you are following. It's all in this sort of divided big box. Left side of it names the blogs, and the right side of it updates as blogs are written. You can go from "all blog updates" on the right, or you can scroll down them and pick one out by highlighting it with ONE click.
    Also on the dashboard page is where you can click on edit a post, edit your profile, etc, and also where you will click View Blog to go back to your most recent post. So the idea is toggle between Dashboard and your own front page. Make sense? Let me know. But you did it!

  2. ....that was "dark blue STRIPE" not stipe

  3. Part 2: If you are on someone else's blog and you want to return to yours, just look up in that dark blue stripe again and on the right hand side you'll see your name and "dashboard". Click dashboard and you're back home.

    Ok, bedtime again ;)
