I made my "escape to the cabin" early Friday night, and found the air starting to get a little nippy around sundown. So, after unloading the truck, fixing a gourmet supper of Vienna Sausages on crackers, and a can of Campbell's Veg-Beef soup,(washed down with bourbon and coke)... I made a small fire in the woodstove. It got nice and toasty quickly....thanks to all of the insulation. That night, I entertained myself with two Netflix movies, and crashed out around midnight. The mutts seemed to enjoy the warmth of the bed as they kept trying to crowd me out of it all night.
Woke up around 7:30, and though it was comforable inside, it was 39 degrees out on the porch.
I grabbed the camera and drove around the farm to snap a few pictures. There was a little fog on the pond which I just couldn't quite capture like I wanted. I did find some Goldenrod (Kentucky's State Flower) which is dreaded by many due to it's pollen, and a couple of other shots.
It has been awhile since I got in the mood to do some decent cooking, so, I planned a little ahead and decided that I'd fry up some chicken legs and some pork chops to eat on for next week.
So, for a "late brunch" I enjoyed two chicken legs and one pork chop. Though they were good, they just weren't as good as Mom and Dad used to make. I used Crisco....they used to use lard. Think I'll try that the next time.
Got to do a little reading, had two visitors, and got in about an hour nap before heading back home Saturday evening.