Here's a shot of the Lexington skyline as seen from about 5 miles from downtown out in the "horse farm area" to the West.
The following article was taken from April, 2006, posting on my Kentucky Backroads Site:
Folks in the small community of Caney located in Morgan County, Kentucky, sleep peacefully, knowing that they are protected by a local character that could have come straight out of a Hollywood script.
This character is a Morgan County Constable named Larry Adams. His law enforcement tactics are modeled after a still popular fellow from the “The Andy Griffith Show”….Andy, not Barney! Like Andy, he does not “pack a pistol” and talks to people instead of strong arming them.
Constable Adams is often seen out in public driving around in a Pontiac Firebird painted to resemble the “General Lee” from the other TV show “ The Dukes of Hazzard”. But, he is better known to the locals as a first class singer and songwriter, artist, or retired high school teacher.
Though he has had many contenders for his position for many years, he seems to always get re-elected. However, this year he has some opposition that seems serious about winning this race by utilizing lots of yard signs and door to door knocking. Constable Adams campaign strategy is a little more low key by not “bothering people” and not adding to the blight of the countryside with more signs. “Besides” he said, “I heard that my opponent is a pretty good fellow, and will do a good job if elected, so why should I spend a lot of money for a job that has no pay?”
As Robert Frost said, “ I can sum up everything I’ve learned in life in three word….Life goes on” And so it will with Constable Adams, who will still be out and about playing his music, cruising in his version of the “General Lee”, or at home painting portraits for folks in the area.
A little update on this posting: Larry won that "hotly contested race" by the biggest margin he had ever experienced! He also, won again earlier this year!